Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.
News & Views on Wednesday August 28, 2024.
The Crisis in the Armed Forces
‘Intentional Failure’: Mississippi Reveals State Spends More than $100M a Year Caring for Migrants
David Plouffe, Architect of ‘Zuckerbucks,’ Now Advising Kamala Harris
Author of ‘White Fragility’ Accused of Plagiarizing Minorities
The Nation Magazine Warns Harris-Walz Embrace of Football, ‘Hypermasculinity’ Could Cost Election
Parenting Is Hazardous to Your Health, the Surgeon General Warns
Will SCOTUS Require America to Start Acting Like America Again?
7 signs someone just isn't a good friend, no matter your history
A Fake Spy, Russian Oil and $1 Million Funneled to Democrats
Biden approved Gaza pier despite internal pushback, watchdog finds
Boeing’s No Good, Never-Ending Tailspin Might Take NASA With It
Home Depot partnered with LGBTQ curriculum that taught elementary schoolers about pansexuals
Being rude at work could actually get someone killed: study
Thrillers or comedies? Your favorite movie genre depends on how your brain is wired