Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.
News & Views on Tuesday January 9, 2024.
Media Outlets Bury Revelation That Epstein Accuser Retracted Trump Allegations
Biden References Iowa Shooting Then Pushes Gun Control That Wouldn’t Have Stopped It
DHS Chief Mayorkas’s Border Fix: Bus More Illegal Aliens into U.S. Towns
Twice as Many Americans Say They Are Worse Off Economically After 2023’s Bidenomics
Jeep with 4-Month-Old Inside Stolen in D.C., Baby Left on Stranger’s Porch
Report: Elon Musk’s Alleged Drug Use Becoming a Concern for Tesla and SpaceX Leadership
Gov. Little vs. social media: Could Idaho minors be banned from TikTok and Instagram?
Millennials are moving to 'the most boring places in the world'
Bizarre brain chip implanted into monkeys to 'stop them taking risks'
The over 150-year mystery of why urine is yellow has finally been cracked: study
Angry Mr. Brooklyn is right: These protesters ARE idiots