Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.
News & Views on Thursday December 14, 2023.
Feds want anti-drunk-driving tech in cars — here’s what stands in the way
MRI machine causes Wisconsin woman's gun to fire, shooting her in buttocks
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Plans ‘No Whites’ Christmas Party
Arizona Border Town Remains Shut Amidst Uncontrolled Flow of Migrants
Climate Crazies Wage Coordinated Attacks on Christmas Trees in Seven Cities in Germany
CNN Blames Climate Change for ‘Record’ Bear Attacks in Japan
Do grocery stores, cars make you anxious? Your eyes may be the problem.
Delta passengers stranded for 24 hours in military barracks after emergency landing in Canada
To Get Your Positive Review, Businesses Bully, Badger and Guilt-Trip
In hypochondria paradox, Swedish study finds a higher death rate in those who fear serious illness
Why do ‘gate lice’ line up early for a flight? Psychologists explain.
Israeli envoy to UK: ‘Absolutely no’ chance of a Palestinian state