Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.
News & Views on Monday November 21, 2022
Police don’t think 911 caller, roommates were killers in U of Idaho student stabbings
Neighbor's dog was skinned shortly before University of Idaho murders
Univ. of Idaho killer was ‘sloppy,’ left ‘mess’ of evidence, victim’s family says
“Why I’m choosing facial-feminization surgery”
White kids described as 'predators' and 'school shooters' in Oregon high school classroom
Pentagon promotes critical race theory, gender identity 'insanity'
CBS News Suspends Twitter Posting 'In Light of the Uncertainty' About Musk-Owned Social Platform
NYU professor thinks Russians hacked Elon Musk's Twitter poll to help Trump
WaPo Investigations: Sandy Hook families sued Alex Jones. Then he started moving money around
Stressed-Out Americans Plan to Buy Fewer Christmas Gifts, Donate Less to Charity
Photo of Mike Ditka Bachelor Party Lookalikes Goes Viral
Behind the theft: Rapper who stole COVID unemployment money pleads for leniency