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Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.
News & Views on Friday August 20, 2021.
Deadlines loom for California bullet train in its search for new funding
Chaos in Kabul is worse than fall of Saigon, says last Marine off embassy roof in 1975
Apple's Not Digging Itself Out of This One
How to Stop Apple From Scanning Your iPhone Photos Before iOS 15 Arrives
The Remote Workers Hiding a Big Secret
They’re 14 and 9 years old—and making $32,000 a month thanks to Ethereum
Facebook shared new data about what’s popular on its platform. The answers are deeply weird.
Facebook launches VR remote work app, calling it a step to the ‘metaverse’
California builds a ‘Noah’s Ark’ to protect wildlife from extinction by fire and heat
San Francisco sues 3 California-based ‘ghost gun’ makers
Amazon Plans to Open Large Retail Locations
States race to pay out billions in rent aid before federal deadline
Doctor to Unvaccinated: Find Another Physician
OnlyFans' New Ban Shocks the Internet
Employee Files Report Against Spears
O.J. Simpson Ordered To Answer Questions in Fred Goldman Case, Show Me Your Assets!
Trevor Bauer Accuser Denied Restraining Order... Against Mlb Star
Brawls End NFL Teams' Joint Practice