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Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.
News & Views on Tuesday July 6, 2021.
China's Xi throws down gauntlet to US
When Will China Rule the World? Maybe Never
Former Chinese Party Insider Calls U.S. Hopes of Engagement ‘Naive’
Ransomware Attack Affecting Likely Thousands of Targets Drags On
In crosshairs of ransomware crooks, cyber insurers struggle
"They are going to slaughter us": Afghan interpreter speaks out as Taliban advance
Mysteriously skinnier Kim Jong Un berates underlings for allowing "great crisis" with COVID
Oakland Mayor Schaaf fires back at City Council members over police funding debate
Republican Lanhee Chen wants to jump from TV talking head to California state controller
Before tortilla incident, Coronado residents clashed over racial equity efforts
Courts may see spike in people wanting to serve on juries
Rachel Nichols apologizes to Maria Taylor on ESPN after video caused firestorm
Disney drops ‘boys and girls’ from fireworks greeting. ‘BRING IT BACK NOW!!!’, some say
The 60-Year-Old Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill
Can 'sniff training' restore COVID survivors' sense of smell?
Car sales slump as vehicle prices continue to surge
Maniac punches carriage horse, attacks two others in Central Park: driver
CDC’s warning not to swim with diarrhea slammed for crappy animation
Pete Davidson Says It'll Take '2 More Years' to Remove the Last of His Tattoos