One Of Biden's 'Closest Friends' Wants Him To Take A Neurological Exam

Donald Trump And Joe Biden Participate In First Presidential Debate

Photo: Getty Images

One of President Joe Biden's "closest friends" reportedly believes he should undergo a "complete neurological exam" and release the results to the public, according to biographer Chris Whipple.

Whipple, the author of the 2023 book The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden's White House, made the claim during an appearance on CNN Monday (July 8) night, addressing growing concerns over the president's cognitive decline.

“I will tell you that one of the president’s closest friends thinks that Joe Biden should go up to Walter Reed, have a complete neurological exam, release the results, and let the chips fall,” Whipple said.

The author also referred to the Biden's White House as "the most battened down, buttoned up, scripted White House in modern history" and claimed that all quotes from the president for the book came in written question and answer form.

Whipple's comments came amid reports of uncertainty regarding the president's re-election campaign as a top campaign official reportedly told at least one megadonor that Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 election is "only a matter of time" privately according to TMZ, as well as multiple Democratic officials publicly calling for him to drop out. The official reportedly said that focus had shifted from singular support of the president's re-election to "Democrats have to retain The White House" following Biden's disastrous performance in the first presidential debate against former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, last month.

Biden, 81, the oldest president in history, appeared opposite Trump, on the debate stage for the first time since the 2020 election and did little to quell concerns about his vigor and energy. The president appeared to struggle with his voice, clearing his throat and coughing multiple times, and was often seen open-mouthed and staring when Trump spoke, occasionally struggling to finish sentences.

Biden's performance reportedly led to "panic" among Democrats, according to longtime Democratic operative and CNN senior political commentator David Axelrod.

“He seemed a little disoriented. He did get stronger as the debate went on. But by that time, I think the panic had set in,” Axelrod said, adding that "there are going to be discussions about whether he should continue.”