A&G's Hot Links: The Thursday March 4 Edition!

Sausages on the barbecue grill with flames


Headlines, data and drivel discussed during the A&G Show.

The Thursday March 4 Edition.

Leaked HHS docs spotlight Biden's child migrant dilemma


Video of Joe Biden's Live Feed Cut Off After Asking for Questions Viewed One Million Times


Biden administration condemns Texas' reopening plan, accuses governor of 'ignoring the science'


‘We Should Trust Americans, Not Insult Them’: Mississippi Gov Defends Reopening After Biden ‘Neanderthal Thinking’


Biden’s post-inauguration honeymoon appears to be over, new poll suggests.


California coronavirus vaccination site gives thousands wrong vaccine dosage


CDC Tells Vaccinated People What They Can Do


Mom accuses UTLA of conducting racial opposition research on parents pushing for in-person classes.


13 people killed in border crash were among 44 who entered through a hole cut into Southern CA's border fence 


CNN Analyst: Maybe We Should Require Masks And Social Distancing Every Winter


Lonely and stressed: How working from home is affecting Americans' mental health


Are you procrastinating more? Blame the pandemic.


School choir teacher in MN taught a class full of sixth-graders about various "types of oppression" by separating students into "privileged" and "targeted" categories


Study Finds Professors Do Not Oppose Discriminating Against Their Conservative Peers


San Diego judge upholds restrictions on dining, gyms


Body-worn camera footage shows SDPD officer shooting man in downtown


Lady Gaga's French bulldog was stolen. The dogs are getting targeted by thieves in the Bay Area, too