The Last Blockbuster In The World Is Turning Into An Airbnb

There is only one Blockbuster video store left in the world. Located in Bend, Oregon, the store has managed to survive while online streaming services have forced every other Blockbuster to shut down. To thank the residents who have helped make the store thrive, the longtime manager, Sandi Harding, is offering a once-in-a-lifetime chance for locals to spend a night at the store.

Harding teamed up with Airbnb and will offer residents of Deschutes County the chance to book a one-night stay for four people. Guests will have full access to the store's video collection and a VCR so they can watch, and rewind, as many movies as they want. They will also be provided with popcorn, candy, snacks, pizza, and soda during their stay.

The vintage accommodations include a pull-out couch and bean bag chairs and are decorated with a distinct '90s theme.

Harding is charging just $4 for the one-night stay and only has three dates available: September 18,19, and 20. She said that the vintage living room will remain on display afterward.

All guests will have to follow social distancing protocols and will be provided with face masks, disinfectant wipes, and hand sanitizer.

Photo: Getty Images