ARMSTRONG & GETTY'S HOT LINKS! Wednesday May 31, 2023


Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.

News & Views on Wednesday May 31, 2023.

Stacked deck: Whistleblowers face long odds of prevailing against FBI’s top brass


Border Patrol chief to retire amid border chaos


House GOP to advance contempt resolution against FBI director over Biden pay-to-play documents


FBI gearing up for new anti-encryption campaign


China responds to U.S. complaint over plane intercept with demand for end to surveillance flights


Russia-Ukraine War: U.N. Nuclear Agency Sets New Rules for Plant Near Ukraine’s Front Line


What are long-term effects of quitting social media? Almost nobody can log off long enough to find out


Russia Pulled Out of Nuclear Transparency Pact With the United States. The Biden Administration Still Shares Sensitive Data.


Woke Fail: Disney Still Planning to Invest $17 Billion in Florida Despite Fight with Ron DeSantis


CNN: Women Marrying Themselves as ‘Symbolic Expression of Self-Love’


Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Ignores Residents’ Opposition, Fills College with 300 Border Crossers


Al Pacino, 82, expecting child with girlfriend Noor Alfallah, 29, who’s 8 months pregnant with actor’s 4th kid


Can't remember it All Too Well: Taylor Swift fans are getting AMNESIA at her concerts due to a rare phenomenon


Woman refusing to get off phone on plane spits on passenger, slides down exit, feds say


Clayton Kershaw disagrees with Dodgers' decision to honor Sisters


Get the Maria Keffler Book, Desist, Detrans & Detox

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