Beating the Hell Outta Your Grandma! Adam Carolla Talks to A&G

After a long absence, comedian, podcaster, actor--renaissance man--Adam Carolla joins Armstrong & Getty to talk about the reopening our country, getting kids back in school and the importance of picking a proper title!

Here the entire conversation in the latest episode of The Armstrong & Getty Extra Large Podcast below...

By the way, Carolla's new live, stand-up comedy show is called “Adam Carolla is Unprepared”, and he's appearing at the Virginia Street Brewhouse in Reno, Nevada this weekend (March 19-20). His early shows on Friday and Saturday are sold out--but they've just added a later show on Saturday night. You can buy your tickets by calling The Virginia Street Brewhouse in Reno at  775 750 4800.

And, if you're in the mood for a good read, pick up is latest book, I AM YOUR EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMAL.

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